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Location: Huntsville, TX

What's In My Bag

Lately I've been wearing my Nana's purse. It's the perfect size and I've really been missing her. Wearing something that belonged to her makes me feel closer to her somehow... 

I decided to do a little segment where I feature a couple of things I keep in my bag. It's so cool to see what's inside of people's bags you know? I love people watching, you can learn so much about a person before you even say two words to them. So here are a few of the things I always carry with me when I leave the house.

I seemed to have lost my license last week so I've been carrying around my passport haha. I almost always try to keep some almonds with me. They're the perfect energy booster and are one of my favorite snacks for sure. I have a small obsession for mini perfumes, every time Sephora asks if I want a free sample I always say yes! I usually try and keep at least one mini perfume with me; you really never know when it will come in handy. I just received this free sample of Lady Gaga's 'Fame' and I love it. It smells really really good, kind of floral and fruity. And just like always I've got loads of change in the bottom of my bag. Problem.

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