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Location: Cannes, France

As I Lay Dying Premiere

This was by far the coolest thing ever. To get to go to not one, but TWO premieres while I'm in France! This one was really iffy on whether the interns would be allowed to go or not because of the ticket situation, but luckily enough there were exactly four tickets left over! This premiere was especially exciting because Nu Image was hosting an after party at Francesco Smalto right after the event. As I Lay Dying was definitely "an unusual film" as James Franco put it. He spoke before the screening started, and I have to agree with him. A lot of the movie was done in this split screen style, which I admit I haven't seen before so that was innovative. But all in all the movie is based off of Faulkner's existential novel, and so it is a little dry. Personally I prefer Albert Camus when it comes to existentialist authors, but that's just me. It was nice to be able to sit so close to the screen this time, because we were pretty high up there for The Great Gatsby Premiere

The coolest part about everything was getting to walk the red carpet. It's a lot less glamorous than you would think it is! There are tons of people and the photographers go crazy! I don't know how anyone can see after being blinded by those flashing lights, but nevertheless it was cool to experience. Check out my Vine.

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