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The Cutest Lunches

images via Susan Yuen

Okay, I'm not going to say that my parents didn't love me, but damn! Have you seen these lunches?? I stumbled across Susan Yuen's blog the other day and she painstakingly makes one of these lunches for her children every single day. When I was a child I remember getting sandwiches and a little juice box, but apparently that just doesn't cut it anymore! 

I did a little more sleuthing of my own and discovered that it's a pretty big deal for Japanese parents to create these amazing bento box lunches for their children. In fact, Mother's can even take classes on how to create these innovative lunches. Parent's have to devote quite a lot of their time in order to makes one of these boxes every day. One lunch alone can take close to two hours to make!

If I ever have kids in the future, I don't know if they can count on me to create these kind of lunches for them. I'll probably just teach them how to make simple stuff instead haha. Do you think you'd make a bento box for your child?


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